IEP. Individual Education Plan. If you read this or this, you probably knew it was coming. And I was stressed out. I was so stressed out that in the middle of it I grew a zit. Not even joking, went in with no zit, 90 torturous minutes later? ZIT. And the worst part? We only got through half of the IEP evaluation which means, 15 more restless nights, another torturous 90 minutes and at least 1 more zit.
In some ways the IEP was affirming. Mini Boots is smart. Like really smart. And not developmentally delayed at all. I'm not one of those Mom's who needs a test to show me the results I knew to be true, but in this case it helps. It also affirmed that he is a stinker. He is only going to do what he wants when he wants to do it. We can all agree that his behavior problems might be... probably are... are genetic.
If I am being honest with myself, it's really going to be a lifetime of zits, because language disorders don't just go away. I am going to have to endure this IEP process many, many more times. And the consequences for Mini Boots will get more relevant. Right now it's a little intangible, how a poor outcome can affect his reading in 7th grade, or comprehension on a standardized test could narrow down college choices. However, eventually he won't be our sweet three year old in buzz lightyear underoo's. He will be a big kid with an emotional link to the outcome of these experiences. And that thought just gave me a case of pre teen acne.
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