Monday, March 21, 2011


I know, I haven't been around for a while. I hear it from everyone I know in my "real" life. "Why haven't you blogged?" "Oh that story would be a great blog!" "People miss reading about you and the kids!" I guess they expected me to feel good because I was missed, but all I really felt was pressure. Pressure to share my thoughts, which were private. Pressure to explain myself, which is the exact opposite of why I do this. I blog to get an outlet. I blog to laugh at the crazy. I blog because it feels good. And since it wasn't feeling good I wasn't doing it. The thing is, life hasn't been all that funny, in fact I would say life recently has felt overwhelmingly stressful. I wasn't ready to share the details and couldn't write without getting sucked into my own cycle of unfunny, stressful, crazy. So, I don't know where that leaves me, I am unclenching little by little. Maybe I'll be ready to share again soon. In the meantime... try to understand. I have three kids, two dogs, and one husband who all need a lot from me right now. Oh and I also have another IEP zit.