Saturday, October 16, 2010

How About a Nice Stiletto to the Eye?

As many of you know Mini Boots has a language disorder. And if you read this, you know how proud of his progress I am. You may also remember that he started preschool. And the transition has been tough. Kids with languade disorders have to work so much harder every day. The have to process all the information coming at them, and the effort is exhausting. I know how hard he is working, not just because I see it happen at home, but also because he is taking loooonnnnggg naps at the end of every school day.

We have been dealing with some inclusion issues at school. And by inclusion what I really mean is EXclusion. Since language issues in kids often manifest themselves as behavior problems in the classroom, Mini Boots has been acting out. I have been told he is very "disobedient" because he "refuses" to stay still at circle time, and shovels too much food into his mouth at lunch, and touches other kids in line up. I know he's going to struggle to follow the rules, but sitting still, keeping hands to ourselves... well... these are problems all three year olds (and some adults I know) have trouble with. So when she tells me that because he has been not sitting still during circle time he is preemptively being placed in the back of the room I want to dig out my one (and only) pair of stilletos and stab her in the eye.... maybe then she would understand how hard it is to live with a disability.

My heat aches thinking about him sitting him in the back of the room, by himself, not knowing what he did wrong but understanding he must have done something because he is not allowed to sit with the rest of the group. And if he is not given the chance to succeed I fear he will dislike school and not learn to engage in the expected behavior. And guess what? His behavior problems will only increase. Because he doesn't understand why he is being singled out. Isolation is NOT acceptable in classrooms. And my sweet son deserves to be there getting the opportunity to learn as much as any other child.

I am reminded yet again how important it is for parents to advocate for their children, and to be involved in their education. Even at the preschool level. Even if your child doesn't have a disability. Because if we don't fight for them who will? So bring it on lady. I have my boxing gloves on... and a lovely pair of stilettos with your name on em!


  1. Liz-
    As a parent and a teacher I agree that this is totally inappropriate! Keep fighing for him...

  2. Don't ruin your shoes!! Just find a good stick :)
    I agree with Becca it's totally inappropriate. Mini boots is lucky to have you on his side.

  3. Amen Liz!! You fight for your child. That teacher needs a serious talking to, or at least a look at your blog! Callie is starting preschool on Thursday and I am a little nervous. Although her disability is a little different I still worry about the inclusion/exclusion that will most likely happen, especially as she gets older. I'll be sure to sharpen a pair of stilettos just to be safe :)

  4. Liz, This brought tears to my eyes! Dont stop till you make her understand! No 3 year old should be excluded from circle time for not sitting still or anything else in my opionion! They are learning and growing everyday isnt that what we are suppose to be teaching them? Isnt that what the teacher is for? HES 3 !! Sounds to me like she takes the easy route and throws her hands up instead of coming down on there level. Sorry girl. YOur a great mom!!! Val
