Friday, June 11, 2010

Don't Wait for the Baby Weight

It always seems to be right around two months postpartum that I start feeling really fat. Right after having the little man, weight was dropping off at an astounding rate, and most of it was gone in the first few weeks. But as any Mom will tell you there are always the last few (or in my case 15) pounds that don't want to budge. My old clothes don't fit, and I'll be dammed if I'm wearing maternity anything for one more day. So while I feel so much better after looking like the size of a house for months, I am not where I want to be. Entering my closet feels like walking into a torture chamber. Reminding myself I JUST HAD A BABY (while slightly reassuring) still leaves me asking... what the hell am I going to wear?

I do love my yoga pants, but something about putting on sweats to hit the grocery store because nothing else fits is utterly depressing. And it's summer in florida which means I will not only look lazy, I'll look sweaty, fat and lazy. Not a good combo for the old ego. A lot of people have advise on this, but it usually comes down to flowey tops (ehh, really? The goal is not to look like I'm wearing more maternity tops), leggings (no way. I didn't have a baby in my butt, but it looks like it when the behind is encased in anything close to spandex-ey material), or empire waist dresses (again, maternity and not cute if you need to whip out a boob).

So even though I hate spending money on clothes I know won't fit me for long (god willing) It must be done. So I begrudgingly size up in jeans or capri's. Yes it sucks. But I only buy a couple and (sad as it sounds) I would prefer to be seen as fat than mistaken for pregnant. I buy those jersey skirts, you know the a-line style with a fold over waist? Perfect for summer and you always feel a little dressed up even though they are so totally comfortable they might as well be yoga pants! And finally, my ace in the hole, a v-neck top. Guys will be too busy checking out the jugs to notice the belly (enjoy the rack before they turn into saggy grammy boobs you can tuck into your pants) and lets face it, it's about the only thing you got going for ya right now!

So when someone tires to tell you about these awesome drawstring waist shorts they lived in post baby, remind them that the last thing you need is fabric gathered around your "problem areas" and drive your juicy booty on over to the nearest Target or Old Navy and grab a few things that fit. You deserve to feel good looking in the mirror. Just make sure it's machine washable. Because no matter how good you feel rocking it, no one likes a cute outfit with a sour milk smell.

*DISCLAIMER- I am not a fashionista, so take all of the above with a grain of salt and look forward to Mom Mania's first guest blog from my talented fashion writer and stylist sister (who also just became a Mom! Welcome baby Macey who spends her time just laying around being perfect). I'm sure her post baby style focused tips will not include the pajama jean.

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