Sunday, August 15, 2010

Any Given Day

Last night I watched Date night, have you seen it? It's pretty funny and since I adore both Steve and Tina (yeah we're on a first name basis), it was a well spent couple of hours. It was obviously far fetched, but there was one part that I could totally relate to. Steve's character continually leaves drawers open and Tina's character inevitably bumps into them. You can just see her seethe each time, and I realized it's just like my house. The kids are doing irritating things, and just because it's not done purposely doesn't mean it still won't drive me batty. If you came to my house, on any given day, you will probably hear the following....

*"Who ate all the banana's?" (You would think they were dipped in chocolate and makes them poop Polly Pockets the way my kids eat them.)

*"Why are there underpants in the living room?" (If you can't bring them to the laundry room, why is it so hard to Keep. Them. ON?)

*"Super Boots, If you don't get home quick I can not guarantee that we'll all be alive." (Often followed by "And please bring wine and straight jackets." They sell those at liquor stores right?)

*"I just mopped those floors!" (I swear as soon as I mop, something is spilled, tracked in or colored on. I just want ONE hour where my house is clean, just ONE!)

*"The toilet is bunged up again? OK, lets go over this one more time, you do not need to use the whole roll when you poo. FOR REAL." (I don't like to see a skid mark but why is the entire roll necessary when wiping? WHY GOD? WHY?)

*"Why is the baby crying? He can't be hungry, I just fed him!" (I spend half my life feeding that kid. Not even kidding.)

*"Seriously, stop poking the dogs in the eyes. They don't like it." (Really? You do know they WILL bite you if you hurt them and I will NOT feel bad right?)

It's the little things that kill, and you just KNOW Tina gets it. Because she's awesome like that. And a Mom. So my life is nothing like Date Night, but THAT part was so much like my house. Annoying. But funny... after a while.

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