Sometimes you just KNOW. Like deep down, in your gut, know that something is not right. Maybe your kid is being "too" quiet. Maybe your child is telling you why they didn't get a sticker at school, and it's just not adding up. Maybe the Dr. says it's a cold but you just know its not and after demanding more tests bronchitis is discovered. Some people call this intuition. I call it Mom-Tuition. And I totally believe it saves lives.
I have had my own fair share of Mom-Tuition moments. Quite a few actually, but the one that always comes to mind when discussing this is the "Third Floor Incident." When Little Britches was 16 months I decided to check on her. She was napping and I knew if I woke her up the rest of the day would be horrible. She was quiet and there were no indications anything was wrong. But I felt compelled to peek in on her. To my horror I found her standing on a desk with her face smashed up against the window. Her bedroom was on the THIRD floor. Yup. Talk about a freak out moment. (I pretty much turned my living room into her bedroom after that one). But the point is, I trusted my instincts. And if I hadn't *shudder* who knows what could have happened!
It must be biological because every mother I know has at least a dash of it. Some have more than others but everyone has a story. And it never seems to go away. I have even heard stories of Mom's getting a feeling that something is not right with their kids who are at college 1500 miles away. It's part of the connection to your child you can't describe, and only entirely understood once you're in the Mom's club. So when you feel like something is off, trust your instincts and embrace your own Mom-Tuition.
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