I love Halloween. It's such a fun holiday. The dressing up, the candy, the decorating, I mean what's not to love about this day? Well... there is one thing I am not impressed with this year. This year Halloween falls on a Sunday. Which means my kids are going to have a sugar hangover on Monday. They will be crabby and cantankerous. My Monday's are hard enough without adding this struggle to my list.
Little Britches and Mini Boots especially love Halloween because its the one day when they can eat whatever kind of candy the choose, until they don't want anymore. One day out of the year they get to experience a candy free for all. They eat healthy food 364 days a year and I cautiously limit their sugar intake. This is not to say they never get treats, but I am definitely not a Mom who serves cookies for snacks or offers dessert every night. Before you feel like I am judging Mom's who dole out treats whenever the mood suits them, you should know that is not the case. It's just that MY kids turn into cracked out hyperactive trolls when sugar, even in small quantities, is ingested. And have you ever had to live with a crack head? All they can think about is their next fix, they start shaking and get straight up rude if they don't get it. And I can't deal. So Halloween is the one day I loosen the reigns.
But his year it's on a Sunday. Mini Boots and Little Britches will be bouncing off the walls for hours after we get home from trick-or-treating, and I will be worried about them not getting enough sleep. They will dump out their treats onto the living room floor, tearing into fun size candy bars like they are starving kids from Africa, and I will have to deal with trying to get them changed and bathed while they are strung out. And the next day when they are exhausted from not enough sleep, and crashing from the high of unlimited candy bliss, I have to get up and drag their butts to school and speech. Ugh. So I am starting a petition to change Halloween from October 31st to the last Saturday of the month. Wouldn't that make our lives so much easier? Knowing we had a full day of recovery and not having to explain their whacked out behavior and cracked out attitudes? I am pretty sure Mom's everywhere can agree, dealing with the Halloween fall out in our own homes, with Daddy help, would be awesome! So who's with me?
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