School is back in session. There are a number of reasons why I love this. Number one, kids are busy doing educational activities that require no effort from me. Number two, I have a three hours, twice a week with just one child to clean, exercise and grocery shop.... none of which actually happens (put down the remote and step away from the DVR) ... but it could! And the third reason why I love school is that I don't have to take my kids to the park 3-4 times a week. What? I don't LOVE the park? No I don't. In fact I kinda hate it. It's free fun, so why do I hate it so much? Well I'll tell you....
For one thing because it's free fun, everyone goes. And it's always busy. And there is always one Mom who doesn't believe this type of activity should be supervised. So their kid is throwing mulch (which is exactly the type of behavior I want my impressionable munchkins to learn). Or the kid is sword fighting with sticks while Mom is cracking out on her crack-berry. I TRY to wait for the other Mom to intervene but that just makes my retina's burn thinking about the permanent damage possible. So I have to step in... and then get dirty looks while she furiously texts away.
Another reason I hate it is because it's a death trap. I mean monkey bars 6 feet up? And a spiral slide two stories high? Who designed this place? Ok, so I may be slightly over protective, but I also have one child (Mini Boots) who believes deep in his soul that he is a trapeze artist. And can totally do a triple axel off the monkey bars. So while he is attempting the worlds first double salchow swing dismount, I am having a heart attack. It takes at least three years off my life every time we go.
And the final reason why I kinda hate the park is that it's so close. What's that you say? TOO close? Yes, I said too close. You see, I can't justify driving to it. When we bought this house I was so excited to be 4 blocks from the neighborhood play ground. But when you are making kids walk/bike/scooter over there it might as well be a trip to China. It takes us twenty minutes to get there and at least 45 to get home. Because they have to stop every three steps to tell me how tired they are. And they just can't dooooo it.
I know they love going, and over the summer I take them all the time. Despite the bug bites and back sweat, I go. I let them play and just be kids. But now that school is back in session I don't have to endure that particular brand of torture more than once a week! Until next year anyway.
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