After hearing my daughter shout "I FINALLY GOT MY SEVEN STICKERS FOR TURNING IN MY HOMEWORK! FINALLY!" at the top of her lungs in the pick up line I felt sufficiently embarrassed for one day. I was, again, beet red. But I figured well that's over. Now I can continue to be the awesome Mom I am right?
Wrong. Later that day we had a long overdue play date with one of my Mommy friends. She is super nice, very sweet and her kids are bilingual! I have known her for a very long time, and she has always been a Mom. She had her first right before we met. Now that I am in the Mom's club, its a lot of fun to hang out. So we woke up early from Naps, packed up, went down to her house and hung out. We had cake (from Costa Rica *squee*) and coffee, the kids played well, and I learned a little more spanish. It was a wonderful afternoon and I had almost forgotten that I suck at Mommyhood. When we got home the big kids were starving and Might Mouse was crying but I somehow managed to get them all fed, bathed, pj'd and almost tucked in before it hit me. We left turtle.
Leaving a lovie behind is a ten on the freak out scale for kids and Mom alike. I freak out because I know they won't sleep well with out it, they are giving me dagger eyes because I forgot (uhh, you did too kiddo) and they literally worry what will happen to their precious. Will we ever see Turtle again? Will he be safe? Will I die without him for one whole night? It's only happened to me one other time, we drove back, got lovie and set up a new rule. No lovies in the car. But I broke the rule because Mini Boots got up early and was a crabby pants. Now we were both paying for it. Because it was late, there was nothing to be done for the night, but deal. So we continued to pay for another hour until he eventually crashed.
Right after dropping Little Britches off at school this morning we went to pick up turtle. Mini Boots was reunited with turtle and it was like a slow motion love scene (cue the cheesy music and wind blown hair). The no lovies in the car rule has been reinstated. And I learned the spanish word for turtle, tortuga. So even though this week is like one never ending fail at Mommyhood... there's that.
Your too hard on yourself :) But I love reading about it anyway. So excited "tortuga" made it home safe and sound.