I have Mommy Brain. Bad. What is this Mommy brain I speak of? Well for those of you who have not yet enjoyed the frantic last few months of pregnancy, followed by the chaotic first few months of child rearing, I'll enlighten you. You know that feeling where you walk into a room and you can't remember why you went in to the room in the first place? And instead of turning around and laughing at your self you continue to stand there, staring at the items in the room, slowly taking them in, hoping the sight of something, ANYthing will jog your memory? Well it's sort of like that, except constant. I never goes away.
I have tried everything Ladies, to rid myself of this torturous state of debilitating idiocy. More sleep...I know right? But I did TRY! Increased caffeine consumption. Regular exercise, and healthy eating. Aromatherapy. Eventually I forgot what I was trying to do, or gave up depending on how you look at it. Despite my best efforts, for about 6 mos surrounding the birth of any child I become an inefficient, babbling, forgetful, and unreliable Mom.
Instead of bashing my head into a wall I try to remember that it IS temporary. At some point, I do get back on track. Until then , I just need to lighten my load, let my husband juggle the calendar, and accept the scatterbrain as humorous. I write everything down, from grocery lists to Drs. appointments and play dates. I always accept the understanding from others (especially those at schools, Dr's offices and other helpful service people) with grace and gratitude. Never underestimate the power of a sincere apology when Mommy Brian affects something serious like a late bill! After a few months I won't forget tuition payments, and the one thing I went to the grocery store to buy. I will once again become the Mom who remembers to wash the Karate uniform and pack extra juice boxes on Tuesdays. Until then.... wait.... what was I talking about again?
Hey Liz! Love your cute blog...makes me laugh. Not laughing at you, laughing with you. Lots of things we have in common with 2 kids. Now going on 3 for you..that is awesome! I know exactly what you are talking about when I walk around in a daze...I don't have a pregnant brain to blame it on, I have my life to blame it on. It's gotten worse in the last 3 months, and understandably so...but still I loved to read that someone out there in the world is going through the same sort of thing, and life... it's so good to see.