As you near your due date you may begin to realize that this baby is going to have to exit your body, and there really is no easy way to do this. Your choices are either to blow out your vag after it's stretched just big enough that you fear you'll never recover, or to have the child ripped out of your uterus through a gapping hole in your belly. Now neither sound like great options to me, but most people hope for a natural course of delivery. And rightly so, the vaginal delivery is quicker to recover from as well as being better for your baby. So while not many people plan on going under the knife on the same day they have a baby, the reality is that C- sections are on the rise. There are many reasons for this, none of which we'll be getting into here, and I am of the notion that it's best to be prepared. Since I am having a scheduled Cesarean Section with my third child after two unsuccessful attempts at a vaginal delivery, I thought I'd give my list of what to expect, and a few things I can't live without post-op.
When you are packing your bag, you'll need to include a few things for you. Basic toiletries, nursing bra, comfy PJ's and a robe, as well as something to go home in... preferably that resembles PJ's or is otherwise loosey goosey and fit while you were still pregnant. If you know you are having a C-section, bring the biggest underpants you can find, and I mean the granny's that look like they could keep a small child warm. Trust me, the thought of something coming anywhere near your unhealed C-section incision is unbearable. This goes for pants as well, if you can't fit them up under your armpits just leave em at home, or pack a mumu. If you are going to nurse, be prepared for some tenderness, I brought my boppy and paced baby on that instead of on my sore belly.
After the C-section, you may shake from all the anesthesia. You may be pretty loopy from the drugs. I was always really thirsty and they never gave me enough water. I got a little swollen. The Dr's might give you pitocin to contract your uterus. Your belly will be tender, but shouldn't really hurt at first and you'll have a catheter. Once you are moved from recovery to a post-partum room, the nurses will be in and out as they check on you and your newborn. As painful as it sounds, it is a good idea to think about getting up for a walk (like to the toilet, not far) within 12-24 hours. It will hurt, but speeds recovery. This is eased by placing a pillow up against the incision, and having a strong arm to balance you. Trust me the longer you put it off the worse it is. I recommend timing it for about 20 minutes after taking meds, this gives them a chance to kick in and they'll be in full effect once you are back comfortable in bed. You may be asked to poop before you are released, and it's not as bad as it sounds, but it's not fun. I handled it better knowing it was my ticket home. Finally keep in mind that your recovery will take longer than with a vaginal delivery. You'll stay in the hospital longer and be able to accomplish less at home. But remember you just had a baby! And major surgery! For me it took about two weeks before I could be counted on to do much of anything. Do NOT push it. (I always do, but it slows recovery, and I regret it each time.) You can usually resume normal activities after about six weeks.
I had some emotional difficulties following my first two deliveries. I felt like my body let me down when it didn't progress through dilation. I felt like I should have stuck it out a bit longer when a C-section was recommended. And finally I felt like less of a woman because I did not accomplish the one thing my body was designed for. But the reality is, without C-sections my daughter or I might not have made it. Regardless of how I delivered, I did my job as a Mom and got them here safe and sound without putting myself in unnecessary jeopardy. Be sure to discuss any emotional difficulties with your Doctor as they can lead to postpartum depression. C-sections are hard, but having a baby makes it all worth it. So if you end up having one, bust out the grannies and try to stay positive because on the up side, you won't have to blow out your vag!
This is so well said..especially the blowing out your vag! I love it...