Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shut Up, It's the Law

I recently read an article where Gisele (a famous model for those of you who don't know who she is) said she would like to see a breast-feeding law. As in, you have to breast feed your baby for at least six months because IT'S THE LAW. I wanted to smack her. There is no disputing it's the best food for your baby, but this is an extremely personal decision. What about babies who are in the NICU or have to be fed through a tube? What about the Mommy's who have jobs that do not allow much time or space for pumping? (Ever tried pumping in a bathroom on a 15 minute break? Not fun). What about babies who just don't want to do it? I was shocked by her ignorance.

I am breastfeeding. As I have said before, I am totally obsessed with the new little man.... and he is obsessed with my boobs. He smiles when he see's them, and his favorite spot to sleep is nuzzled in between the cleavage. But I struggled to breast feed my first, it took her almost two weeks to latch on properly, and I pumped, and taped tubes to my boobs, and didn't sleep AT ALL. Eventually we got it down, but she decided she was not into the boobs and rejected me way before I was ready to give it up. So with my second, and now again I cherish every feeding. I can feel my body relax when he starts gulping and I love that he is a noisy eater. However breastfeeding brings several challenges, and even though I know I won't stop anytime soon, it's just not that easy.

For one thing, if you're going to do it, you have to be comfortable doing it out in the open. Now, I am not exactly shy, but there is something about whipping it out at the mall that makes me uncomfortable. And if I am not relaxed it's not a great time for him either. There is also the issue of sleep. As in there's not a lot of it. Breast milk is digested so easily that is often won't keep them full in the same way a bottle of formula will. Also all of the resposibility falls on your shoulders, you cant take you boobs off to hand off a feeding. And since you have to be cautious about what you eat, and drink, it limits your lifestyle. Let's face it, breastfeeding is hard work and takes commitment.

Here's the deal, if you are feeding your baby you are a good Mom. If you try to breastfeed and it doesn't work for you, you are still doing the best thing for your child by FEEDING THEM. Babies have been fed formula for years, and they all have turned out just fine. So don't feel guilty if breast feeding doesn't work for you or your lifestyle. And you have my vote to make it a law that dumb models should shut up and look pretty. Because no one should feel bad about taking care of their baby in whatever way they see fit.

1 comment:

  1. As a working mom, who couldn't plan my 15 minute breaks to go pump, and also had issues with my milk coming in at all, Thank You.

    I have to say that I felt judement and pressure with this subject starting before he was even born. Once he was here, the nurses pressured me, everyone had an opinion and I felt like I had to defend myself and my choice all the time.

    I totally respect and admire your commitment. I feel like supporting a new mommy in her own personal choice, regardless if it's the choice you would make, is the best any of can do.
