Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mom to New Mom

You had a baby and congratulations are in order! I really do wish you many congrats... but here's the deal: there are also a LOT of other things I want to tell you, New Mommy. And some of them you may not want to hear. If you have just had your first kid it would save all of us "seasoned" mothers a bit of heartache if you could just accept what I am going to boldly say. It doesn't mean we don't love you or your new baby, just that we only have a limited supply of patience... most of which is allotted to our children. So tuck this away, and if it feels harsh, try to remember it takes a true friend to tell you the hard truth.

*I get it, you're obsessed. But I'm not, so while you are only going to want to talk about your baby, try to remember to ask me how my day is. Because then I will want to call you again and believe me, you're gonna need my listening ear and sage advise.

*Even though you are new at this, your's is not the first baby to smile early/suck their thumb/respond to your voice. And no it does NOT mean it will be a genius.

*If you say "Isn't she the cutest baby you've ever seen?" to another Mom the truthful answer is no. The cutest baby a Mom has ever seen is her own, not yours.

*You're going to get lots of advise, and while you don't have to take it all, listen! Mom's can't resist passing on the oral tradition of "things you never knew you needed to know" and these little nuggets of wisdom may save your ass at two am.

*There will come a time when, no matter how insightful a Mother you have become in 7 weeks, your child will be inconsolable. They will cry for what seems like a life time. It sucks.

*Your entire day revolves around feeding them, getting them to sleep, keeping track of their poops and doing endless piles of laundry. Unfortunately no, it does not change... until they go to college.

*Functionality really is more important than aesthetics. No really, it is. Put down the butterfly burp cloth and pick up the cloth diaper.... now. Your cute top you can finally fit in will thank me.

*No you will never sleep like you did before. Ever again. (But you will not mind as much as you think you will).

*When you tell us your philosophy about baby wearing/sleep theory/discipline we all try to be polite, but as soon as you walk away we say "Well what are you gonna do? It's her first. She'll figure it out eventually."

As a new Mom you are given a lot of slack by those-of-us-who-think-we-know-better to figure it out on your own. We want you to be great, and you have to struggle a bit to feel that confidence. So in the meantime, respect those who have come before, let them help, and try to enjoy the rocky road to experience. Pretty soon you'll be the one passing out the wisdom nuggets.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling I may have inspired a few of these helpful hints. :) Thanks for never letting me know. You're the best!
