Thursday, July 23, 2009

Messy Masterpiece

I have this friend who is perfect. You know the type, had four kids but always looks rested. Works out everyday, and shows off her hot bod in stylish and accessorised outfits. Her kids are always well behaved and never paint the kitchen table in ketchup, or have lop-sided braids. I on the other hand, am lucky to get a shower by noon, and like to consider myself "fluffy, but really I'm about 20 lbs overweight. Her house is always clean and smells like fresh cut flowers instead of dirty diapers like mine. She made organic salmon with capers in a white wine sauce for dinner, and my kids got mac-n-cheese. I love her, but also kind of hate her!

Despite my best affirmations, "You are the best Mom for your kids," I still compare myself to her. She is my version of a super mom. And no matter how organized I am, or how late I stay up doing chores there will always be some corner of my house that's not cleaned often enough. But isn't that OK? When did the expectation for stay at home mom's become perfection? The truth is, juggling it all, is hard work. Moms have an overwhelming work load, and the job is never really done. Our work literally follows us home. Let's try to dismiss the notion that clean houses and gourmet meals define our level of achievements. Lets embrace each other as less than perfect, but pretty good, most of the time. Motherhood changes your priorities, and the only goal should be to get by and enjoy it while it lasts. I don't have nearly as much time as I used to, and I don't care as much about having a clean house or cute clothes. My kids are fed, they are clothed, and they are sometimes naughty, but hey, who cares when most of the time we're laughing and smiling?

We all have friends who seem perfect but remember even those Moms go crazy and if you hang around long enough you'll see they're really just like us, doing their best day by day. And we just might pick up a few good recipes! So even though standing next to her I surely look like a sloppy mess, I want the reflection of who I am as a mom to be happy kids. If those two cuties are smiling no one's going to notice my floors haven't been mopped since the ketchup incident.

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