Staying at home can be quite monotonous, and sometimes I feel like I just play defence. There are days when I am pretty sure if I have to do one more jigsaw puzzle I'll scream! It's those days that I miss my childless life. Waking up and thinking "what do I feel like doing today?" and not mentally running through the list of chores awaiting the arrival of my lost motivation.
Like a lot of Mom's I live and die by my schedule. In my house we are not regimented down to the minute, but our life is very consistent from day to day. Life is pretty steady, and the fact that all my plays come out of the same book allows my kids a sense of security, however it can drive me bonkers. The level of stimulation required for my two and three and a half year old, somehow leaves me wanting more....
People like to say that there is nothing more rewarding that being a Mom, and while I agree I have been doing this long enough to know that those rewards are sometimes few and far between. When I can't seem to rebound from a rut, it's usually the universe telling me to get away. Now I am not saying I need a four day vacay to tropical paradise, (although that would be awesome) I can usually bounce back with a couple of hours away. I need a trip to Target with no kids, or coffee with a girlfriend. I need to feel like a person, not just a MOM.
I think staying at home makes it tough to build in times for us to just BE. We can always find a reason not to take time for ourselves, tight budget, messy house, and all the other obligations motherhood brings. I'm just suggesting we add a little breathing room to that list. Find whatever is relaxing and try to get it in once a week or at least twice a month. It's rejuvenating and and will give us the energy to suit up and give our life the full court press that being a stay at home Mom requires... for at least a couple of days.