I subscribe to the philosophy that as a parent you have an obligation to be truthful with your children, excluding childhood friendly ideals that are widely encouraged like the big jolly man in red. However, those truths have to be age appropriate. I am not going to have the "birds and the bees" conversation with my four year old, but I will tell my daughter that children grow from love. I told her that Mommy and Daddy love each other very much, that we are best friends, and from that love grew another brother or sister for her. That seemed to appease her curious mind and I felt great for concurring such a difficult topic.
Until this morning.
Little Britches "Mom when I grow up I want to get marry and have three babies."
Me "Sounds nice hun, who are you going to marry?"
Little Britches "My baby Ruby cousin because she's my best friend like Daddy is your best friend right Mamma? But not Mini Boots. He's not a best friend."
I almost pee'd my pants laughing so hard! So innocent and sweet. I adore that she thinks marriage is for best friends. Truthfully the strongest relationships are those with close friendships. Alright, I don't want her to marry her cousin, but even at four she's got something big figured out. Marry your most favorite person, and THEN have babies. And defiantly do not marry your brother. Ever.